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CTPStockTradeApi 证券程序化交易的3种实现方式: 1、C++接口可...
来自 : www.pudn.com/Download/item/id/ 发布时间:2021-03-24
(Securities program trading three kinds of implementations: 1, C++ interface can be used directly 2, COM components and testing of transactions, you can use excel, matlab, etc. Get Quotes for trading. 3, the client, there are combinations of single, chasing a single function. These three kinds of patterns can be used to trade accounts firm, firm accounts can be obtained directly Level2 market these three modes can also use the test account transactions, account needs, please contact QQ simulation, test account provided Level1 market. COM components required, Excel templates, client, please contact QQ. The latter will offer futures, securities trading joint, multi-account transactions and other models, welcome to test.)
2013年8月24日These three kinds of patterns can be used to trade accounts firm, firm accounts can be obtained directly Level2 market these three modes can...CTPStockTradeApi 程序化下单 level2 接口 期货 CTPStockTradeApi mt4 程序员 编程 源码 源代码 下载CTPStockTradeApi 证券程序化交易的3种实现方式: 1、C++接口可直接使用; 2、COM组件交易及测试,可使用excel、matlab等获取行情、进行交易。 3、客户端,有组合下单、追单等功能。 以上3种模式都可以使用实盘账号进行交易,实盘账号可以直接获得Level2行情; 以上3种模式也可以使用测试账号进行交易,需要模拟账号的请QQ联系,测试账号提供Level1行情。 需要COM组件、Excel模板,客户端的,请QQ联系。 后期将提供期货、证券联合交易,多账户交易等模式,欢迎测试。CTPStockTradeApi 证券程序化交易的3种实现方式: 1、C++接口可直接使用 联合开发网

本文链接: http://traditem.immuno-online.com/view-692466.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)